MP3::Tag - Module for reading tags of MP3 audio files
use MP3::Tag;
$mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);
# get some information about the file in the easiest way ($song, $track, $artist, $album) = $mp3->autoinfo();
# or have a closer look on the tags
# scan file for existing tags $mp3->get_tags;
if (exists $mp3->{ID3v1}) { # read some information from the tag $id3v1 = $mp3->{ID3v1}; # $id3v1 is only a shortcut for $mp3->{ID3v1} print $id3v1->song; # change the tag contents $id3v1->all("Song","Artist","Album",2001,"Comment",10,"Top 40"); $id3v1->write_tag; }
if (exists $mp3->{ID3v2}) { # read some information from the tag ($name, $info) = $mp3->{ID3v2}->get_frame("TIT2"); # delete the tag completely from the file $mp3->{ID3v2}->remove_tag; } else { # create a new tag $mp3->new_tag("ID3v2"); $mp3->{ID3v2}->add_frame("TALB", "Album title"); $mp3->write_tag; }
Thomas Geffert,
Tag is a wrapper module to read different tags of mp3 files. It provides an easy way to access the functions of seperate moduls which do the handling of reading/writing the tags itself.
At the moment MP3::Tag::ID3v1 and MP3::Tag::ID3v2 are supported.
$mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);
Creates a mp3-object, which can be used to retrieve/set different tags.
[old name: getTags() . The old name is still available, but its use is not advised]
@tags = $mp3->get_tags;
Checks which tags can be found in the mp3-object. It returns a list
which contains strings identifying the found tags, like
``ID3v1'' or ``ID3v2'' .
Each found tag can then be accessed with $mp3->{tagname} , where tagname is a sting returned by get_tags ;
Use the information found in MP3::Tag::ID3v1 and MP3::Tag::ID3v2 to see what you can do with the tags.
[old name: newTag() . The old name is still available, but its use is not advised]
$tag = $mp3->new_tag($tagname);
Creates a new tag of the given type $tagname. You can access it then with $mp3->{$tagname}. At the moment ID3v1 and ID3v2 are supported as tagname.
Returns an tag-object: $mp3->{$tagname}.
You can use close()
to explicitly close a file. Normally this
is done automatically by the module, so that you do not need to do this.
$allgenres = $mp3->genres; $genreName = $mp3->genres($genreID); $genreID = $mp3->genres($genreName);
Returns a list of all genres (reference to an array), or the according name or id to a given id or name.
This function is only a shortcut to MP3::Tag::ID3v1->genres.
This can be also called as MP3::Tag->genres;
($song, $track, $artist, $album) = $mp3->autoinfo(); $info_hashref = $mp3->autoinfo();
returns information about the song name, song
number, artist and album name. It can get this information from an
ID3v1-tag, an ID3v2-tag and from the filename itself.
It will as default first try to find a ID3v2-tag to get this information. If this cannot be found it tries to find a ID3v1-tag and if this is not present either, it will use the filename to retrieve the information.
You can change the order of this with the config()
returns an array with the information or a hashref.
The hash has four keys 'song', 'track', 'artist' and 'album' where the
information is stored.
MP3::Tag->config("item", options, ...);
Possible items are:
* autoinfo
Configure the order in which ID3v1-, ID3v2-tag and filename are used by autoinfo. Options can be "ID3v1","ID3v2","filename". The order in which they are given to config also sets the order how they are used by autoinfo. If an option is not present, it will not be used by auotinfo.
sets the order to check first ID3v1, then ID3v2 and at last the Filename
sets the order to check first ID3v1, then the Filename and last ID3v2. As the filename will be always present ID3v2 will here never be checked.
sets the order to check first ID3v1, then ID3v2. The filename will never be used.
* Later there will be probably more things to configure.